bug patch 04.

hi! i hope everyone's been enjoying the rest of chapter nine. i've been reading all the comments and reactions and i'm so happy that everyone is reacting to the new content so well.  with updates, however, come bugs. as such, i just published a mini little bug patch, which includes the following:

  • grammar fixes in chapter nine
  • bug fix in chapter nine that assumed you had a bow, even if you were not weaponry-oriented
  • more flavour text for touch-aversed hunters
  • more opportunities to have an emotional hunter, rather than pragmatic
  • some changes in relationship stats with the ros (as points will start getting serious soon)
  • the tinest changes to ui (including better accessibility on mobile)

again, let me know if there is anything else that needs fixing by shooting me an ask on tumblr or emailing me at evertidings@gmail.com. i'm only one person after all, so grammar and code issues are bound to happen. all my love <3


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I can't wait for chapter 10 and 11 keep up the wonderful work of hunters supernatural I  love the story so much ^^

