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I just spent all day binge playing this game; when I caught up it felt like I was coming out of a trance. Very immersive storytelling! I keep seeing comments about Blane, but where's the love for my boy Nikolas? He's so sweet lmao

fksfkslfksk ty!! believe it or not N used to have even fewer fans but over the years i've seen them grow a bigger fanbase and it's so so satisfying. i'm glad you adore them so much <3


Blane, my beloved, I will make you mine 😔, anyways thank you dev for this amazing game it changed my brain chemistry fr, the world building and mystery is so amazing and I cant wait for ep 11 <3

ty!!! muah <33


Okay let me just start of by saying that I love this worldbuilding. It's such an interesting take on supernaturals in the modern world. Your writing made me grind this through for the last two days, and I'm gonna keep going until there's a new chapter (no pressure ofc).

The characters are so diverse and fleshed out too! I've been romancing Blane, and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of insight we are given, be it from his POV or just interaction.

But it's not just the RO, I also came to absolutely stan Sebastian. While it might be my patriotic bias as a fellow Vietnamese, his character is just so fun to interact with (I CALLED HIS HOMO-NESS FOR CAINE!!!) Part of me was deathly afraid of him pulling strings behind the scenes in Caine's mysterious dissapearance, which was eased by him being *fucking exhausted on a genuine level*, which I figured he wouldn't be if he subjected himself to all that bs willingly, but it wasn't quite gone.

When at the end of chapter nine, we got his POV, I could derive lots of information about his stand point (his non-involvement with his bestie's dissapearance) and Caine as well (that guy is such a mystery to me, still). Let's hope Sebastian is a safe option for a kin, and leave it at that.

I'm looking forward to the forthcoming chapters!! Much love and hugs, staying tuned <33


eeek reading this was so fun!! i love hearing about fan theories. for obvious reasons i can't confirm or deny any of them, but i'm really happy that you like sebastian. he's definitely a more underrated character so it pleases me to know he has some fans out there. slightly off topic, but i'm vietnamese as well, which is the main reason why i made him so, so hi!! fellow vietnamese hehe. muah <33


AAAAH omg, a fellow Vietnamese!!!! Imagine me jumping around while I flail my hands up and down, lol.

I wish you a bunch of strength for this project!! much love :]


thank you so much!! <333


This is tied for the best piece of IF I've ever read, which is saying a huge amount. It's excellent, and while like most stories, I have no idea where you're taking it, you should be proud of what you have here. I don't want to pressure you to continue it, but you happen to be an excellent writer, and letting such talent go to waste is a disservice to yourself and to the rest of the world.

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wahhhhh thank you!!! this is such a wonderful compliment i'm so so flattered <333333 (and yes, i am continuing it)

Hello! I was just wondering what is the highest K's relationship points can go at this point of the story? 

oh gosh, so sorry for this late reply. i've kinda been dead on this front. but assuming you mean romance points? i believe it's about 6. if you're asking about the relationship bar, i'm not too sure. i wouldn't worry too much about that though—i plan on fixing things like that up towards the end of the game <3





This is the best interactive fiction game I've ever played. very underrated [ this is my first interactive fiction game ]

eek thank you! i hope you have explored the genre a little more since; there are so many wonderful games out there <3


not me discovering the relationship bars after i played the game like 7 times and running there to check if the percent with blane went up after every interaction (it did) (i screamed) (srry blane u'll be mine soon hehehehe) (why did i go for the guy who likes me the least?) (me saying the previous thing like i dont have rylons n kians routes played and saved and like im not going back for my bestie arion and the precious nikolas after i replay and save blane) (ok but blanes special!!!)

ANYWAYS i really enjoyed the game it is so fun well written and addictive fr im looking forward to the future updates!!!! thanks sm!!!

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(also not me screaming at 27% with blane while i have 70+ with rylon)(i /SPOILER/took a knife for you bro gimmie some credit)(THE JUMP TO 40 WAS WILD????? im loving it)


REAL?? like i had 11 romance points with blane but a 14% relationship  

SO TRUE but i did notice that choosing romantic options slows down the overall relationship progress with anyone so yeah///


Hello, fellow Blane Romancer here, I find it's better (and also classier) to prioritize Relationship over Romance, since the latter doesn't count for the former improving (honestly I feel like it's the other way around). It's pretty much on the nose: just be overly kind, don't fight with him, be diplomatic. 

I'd say that you're safe to flirt with him from 20% and up, or when he can "sort of tolerate you".

You also need to grind encounters with him, eg go to the Training Room (where you can then choose to encounter either A, B, or N) and then right after go to the media room.  (After a few attempts, I managed to milk 30% from these interactions!!!)

Happy rizzing, soldier! Hope I could help 

thats pretty much what i was doing already bc how could i pass spending more time with my dear blane hehe (THE SCENE IN THE BAR IF U SAY U R TOGETHER??? ~precious~) but thanks!! i do agree i think general relationship r important to build up, it'll definitely come in handy in later chapters (which i hope will come soon bc im stuck replaying what we have :p)

also %-wise a lot comes near the very end, i think i had about 40 at the end?? which seems crazy high for him and crazy low for literally everyone else but thats fine we love our grumpy king >:D

He will be ours.


I really loved this. I do hope you plan to write more!


i do, thank you!! just going through a bit of trouble in the writing department right now but it is being worked on <3

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This is the best interactive fiction game I've ever played! Your writing skills are amazing, and I love how each character is written. Throughout playing it, it just keeps getting better and better! I like coming back to replay this game when I'm bored. I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the chapters when they are released!

eeek thank you!!


Of course! Take as long as you need with the rest of the chapters :)


thank you lovely <3


me after replaying this for the 186272527125 time:


So relatable


Good evening. I'm a student of University of Amsterdam and currently I'm researching the ways to improve authoring experience of Interactive Digital Narrative creators. One of the things I've noticed is that authoring tools in general don't have the functionality to support planning beforehand. It seems you've got an extensive experience in non-linear writing (using Twine). I would like to interview you (or send you a survey/questionnaire) to understand your personal approach to creating stories and potentially see whether implementing a tool that supports planning can help you in your creative endeavours. Do you think you'll have time to talk to me about this? Thanks a lot for response. Kind regards, Julia


Hi! If you're still interested and want to email me, you can contact me at


this game makes me stim at an unbelievable rate (i love this so much can I please marry all of the characters) 

also its amazing and youre super duper awesome for your amazing story writing skills :333


eek thank you! glad to hear you're enjoying it <3


I wonder why the responses ' "Are you done with the quirky remarks yet?" ' and 'Stare' in Rylan's fight both lead to the same scenario? Every other choices work just fine for me. 


oops! that's definitely a bug, ty for the catch <3


helloo! i just wanted to say i LOVEW THIS GAME its so good and its very impressive how consistent the updates are with the length and quality of the writing!! i noticed some typos in chapter 3, like words being missing! one in particular is ""'s a miracle worker." It's the closest I've heard Kai come to gushing.". it isnt anythign game ruining, but i just wanted to point it out!! good luck on working on the game in the future updates! this is probably my favorite text-based game so far


thank you for the catches! as many times as i've read this through, i always seem to find more. glad to hear you're enjoying it though <333


I got so scared when I finished season ten. I thought it was going to be like other stories i've read where they are unfinished and untouched for years. That was until I saw they commented 7 days ago :)))


hehe yes, i'm still alive. chapter 11 is in the works but my life is very very busy right now so progress has been slow. it hasn't been abandoned though !


alright, thank you. Good luck with personal stuff!


screaming love the UI love the story love how genuinely lovable all the characters are

ahhh thanks! the ui is one of my proudest achievements <33

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holy moly i Did Not Sleep and played this in one go. All the interactions were so fun; I went for Rylan and Arion. 10/10 content, i laughed a lot at so many scenes. Very excited for future updates!! 

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eeeek thank you !!

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Great so far!!!! arden is my fav i took that knife with no regrets! about how many chapters are there going to be?


i'll copy and paste my answer from a comment below: "it's not concrete yet but about 16-17. originally it was going to be 20ish but overtime the chapters have collapsed together"


I just wanted to wish you a good night (or day, depending on when you read this comment)! :3


you too ! thank you <3


1) how many chapters are you planning to make? (sorry if it's already on the page, i can't find it) 

2) there's a kid in my bio class named rylan and he's annoying as all heck..i'm doing the rylan route rn and my brain is really confused lmao. ... they even sort of act similar


it's not concrete yet but about 16-17. originally it was going to be 20ish but overtime the chapters have collapsed together

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thank you for your patience <33


happyhappy new year's dear author<3


happy new year ! it's small but this comment means a lot, thank you <3


ofcourse!! u made my year sm better, hope this year's the best one yet for u<3


BEST GAME EVER, I've been replaying every time a new chapter comes out, ON IT AGAIN.


😭😭 thank you <33


dont even PLAY WITH ME this was amazing!!!!!!!! if ur thinking about playing through this, ABSOLUTELY DO.


EEEEK thank youuu <3


This game has consumed my every waking hour... and every resting hour, too. I've been dreaming about this game. Obsession is not quite an adequate descriptor. Safe to say, I will be shaking violently through 'til the finale!


That's a good thing... I think


OMG ME TOO. I literally come back every month to see if there's a new chapter and replay everything every time a new chapter comes out. I'M ADDICTED


you're so cute :( thank you <33


awww thank you so much <33


I love this so much! A is my fav RO, but I definitely intend on going back and playing Blane's route, once the next chapter hits. I can't believe A just left me in there with Ciel alone, after what they literally just said about never leaving me alone, but I get it. Also, Blane and A are going to be friends? frenemies? people-who-kinda-tolerate-each-other's? Can't wait!


haha trust me, A didn't want to leave the hunter but they wanted to respect their decision (also their anxiety was getting the better of them and they needed to LEAVE).

on another note, A and Blane have a very complicated relationship that i'm excited to explore 




hehehehehehe, very (very) late reply but i hope you liked it !


I do have a question... for each patch, do we have to restart from the beginning? I had to restart when the new chapter came out and today when I wanted to get further along in the chapters on another route, my saves were gone. 

super super late reply but you shouldn't need to restart. it might be because you cleared your browser history (if you're playing on there) or cleaned your system recently. i've had the same saves for years while testing the game and they've never been erased.

That's weird. I haven't cleared my browser history since I have other VN I'm reading on there as well. Maybe my PC did an update and somehow messed up. It's fine though. Thanks for replying back! 🙂 

that's so weird, i'm sorry i  don't have a fix !


Oh, it's alright! I'm just playing through them again. Lol. 


im replaying the game to try out chap 10 bcuz omg this IF is so good?! but it's a BIT funny whenever i forget u can quite literally be prejudice toward supernaturals. like, why is "No, I don't make deals with your kind" AN OPTION?

(fyi, this is a JOKE, i rlly adore this IF and these lines of dialogue honestly make me shocked and giggle cuz the AUDACITY? lmao)


LMAOO see when people point this out to me i giggle a little because it really wasn't that unserious when i wrote it but seeing it after is 💀


My goodness, of all the IFs Ive demo'd, yours is by far the one Im most eager to see reach its conclusion. Im highly engaged, your world and your characters, are great. I can't wait to be absolutely destroyed kissing Blane. 😭❤️‍🩹


eeek thank you !! first kiss (i initially wrote kill, i'm tired) scene will be coming up within the next three chapters so get excited :))


Instead of *trying* to express how good this is so far, I'm just going to say that when I read "08. NO REST FOR THE WICKED"  I happened to look at the clock and realized that it was 7AM and that I didn't sleep the entire night. And I don't regret it lol

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😭😭😭 such a huge compliment, thank you !!

Do you have a downloadable file for the game? I was able to play on my phone whenever I'm on mobile data, but not on PC. For some reason, itch decided to have a grudge against my ISP. The website is not loading any kind of image and can't even run browser games (already made a report about it). (T__T) And this only happened recently. I was able to play browser games just fine before.

I was hoping I could play in my PC via a downloaded file, but if that's not possible, that's fine! I just hope itch and my ISP decides to let me just play this game on my PC later.


hmm you might be able to download the index from the folder i uploaded to itch, but that's also an html/browser file so i'm not sure that'd work. sorry for the issues !


chapter ten was nice, love that we’re easing in the romantic options, can’t wait heheh.. 

Anyways, reading it was amazing, I love your writing style. I can’t wait to kiss Rylan :evil_grin:


eek thank you so much ! so excited about finally getting into the romance <333


I AM PUMPED! please take your time too! Do not rush writing!

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I read first 4 chapters and it is great so far, but before I can commit to this story I want to know if there will be a route and/or ending in which MC and IAOS capture Rylan and she is locked up for murder? 

If not then my Pro hunter MC who NEVER FAILS BOUNTIES will have a meltdown. 


no, as Rylan is an ro, that won't be possible. the game does kind of suggest that Rylan was not responsible for that murder, however.

Thanks a lot.


what do you want to arrest her for? lmao



 I was just playing with a mc obssesed with cathing her so I thought if there was such an option to begin with guess MC will start to warm up to her now. 


ciel's interrogation hits hard


i'm glad you liked that scene! <33



For real… <3

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