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Is it not possible to download and play this game? I can't seem to find the download link.


it's only available if you have the desktop application. otherwise, you need to play it in your browser


this story means the world to me i cannot stop thinking about it. your writing is scrumptious, i am in looove with the characters, and the plot is so fricken cool. so invested


Ahhh thank you! Glad you like it :)


Just wondering... I am still divided between 3 characters, on chapter 10 do I have to chose a route? or we can keep playing as we like a little more until finally decided? can we be divided on different romances?


?? do you mean the romance lock?? cause it's not coming untill later chapters. other than that ur required to choose a character to progress in the story but it doesn't have to be strictly romantic tho


Cool because I was afraid of choosing on chapter 10... What can I say, I still undecided between 3 of them lol...

May i ask- Which 3?


A, B and R


I await the day I can finally tell A that I'm madly in love with them


Soon! (maybe)



I just finished my first play through of the current chapters and I'm astonished. I absolutely adore the characters and the relationship progression (how you can change how they treat you over time). The story is absolutely so well written and beautiful. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next. 

One of the most entertaining parts for me about interactive novels is the romance aspect. I really like how you have to work for any reaction with several characters, how, even if the player choses the character they want to romance, it's not automatically given to them on a silver platter. 

I love the characters and how vastly different each of them are. I had the intention of going down romance paths with several of them, but in all honesty when I saw how Blane and Nikolai interacted I instantly just wanted *them* to be together. (They feel very black cat and golden retriever.) The same can be said for Kian and Rylan (though it takes a while for you to discover Kian's soft spot for the half-vampire).

None of the interactive novels I've played have been updated as consistently as this one and are no where near as far along either. This one is so wonderful and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. Props to the writer and creator. This is an incredible work and I truly hope you don't abandon it.


Aww this is such a wonderful comment to receive. I'm so glad you felt so taken by these characters—they live in my head rent free, so knowing they also take up space in other people's thoughts is surreal and so flattering. They're truly my favourite part about writing this. (Also, no plans to abandon this so don't worry <3)

They absolutely are consuming my thoughts. Your writing is incredible and you wrote each character so beautifully, thank you so much for working so incredibly hard on this!!!!

And I'm extremely happy to hear that there's no plans to abandon this work! <3


I just want to say that this is an excellent game. Wonderful story, but I did get stab by a certain blood thirsty vampire.


Haha happens to the best of us


Hello I commented like a week ago before I really knew what this genre of game was and ooomg. I just wanted to say how grateful I am that it was this game that introduced me to the genre of interactive fiction bc I love all these games so much! I can’t believe I never knew they existed. And this one is obviously my favorite. The writing is sooo good and just the way you can really be yourself or be any way you want with so many options and branches idk it’s just so intricate it makes me so happy… Plus It makes me happy to be able to be male without having strange events or text where you can tell the game was made for a female player LOL. Basically a Goated game pretty much and I cannot wait for the next chapter.


Aww I'm so glad that I was able to introduce you to this wonderful genre. Thank you so much for playing. I really do try to cater to as many audiences as possible so knowing that it worked and you feel comfortable playing means a lot to me <3


OH GOOODDDDD the way you wrote the characters are so yummyyyy!!! You captured all the feels... I even got teary eyed a bit while playing this. IM SO ATTACHED WITH ARION AND BLANE!!! I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH cry cry

Ahh thank you!! Sorry to make you emotional over the events of the story haha, but I really appreciate you admitting it. It's so wonderful that my writing was able to make you feel so strongly <3


this caught my eye for a while, and finally i decided to give it a chance. and im so glad i did, i love the way you write and describe the characters personalities and expressions, i nearly thought i was the one in the situation. this will be my new hyperfixation for a while lol !! 

i love this a lot, keep it up :) !!


Gosh, that's such a wonderful compliment. Thank you so much. It truly means the world to me. I'm so happy you enjoyed <3


I love this game! I was smiling the whole time, time was flying by and the characters felt so good! Thank you so much for blessing the world with this!

Thank you so much for playing! <3


I love this game soooo bad I need to find more games like this…. I really enjoy the reading and words without pictures and having so many options and branches and romance options in the storrryyyyrrr.. evertidings you’re so goated


is there any games you recommend checking out? 


Arcadie: Second Born is a good one. It’s like one of the only finished interactive fiction games I can find LMAO but it’s about 8 dollars on steam. If you want something for free honestly just look up interactive fiction, there’s a ton of free wips and demos and whatnot on here. I found a good list of them on the creator (evertidings) profile too. I liked Project Hadea (I think that’s the name) a lot but it’s definitely got some content warnings that need to be noted lol. 

Ahhh thank you!! There are tons of amazing games in the genre so I hope you find some other ones to keep you occupied while I'm writing Chapter 12 <3


I got Blane to frienship 31. This is progress ya'll

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, I really love this game and the characters and the overall plot! The writing is absolutely amazig. :) I was wondering if there was a walkthrough since certain choices seem to be locked or something? Also does it matter if we romance multiple characters at the same time? Besides that, is a poly route possible? 

I'll likely post some kind of walkthrough when the game is finished, but truly, there isn't much to be 'walked through'. Locked choices don't tend to have any consequences, just flavour text. 

And no, it doesn't matter if you romance multiple characters now, but eventually the game will ask you to choose. Poly routes are being considered, but if I go through with it, it won't be in the initial romance lock <3


I Love N so much omggggggggggg

Loved the new update btw like, love how you can really feel mc's "everthing is going to shit" mind

N is so sweet ♡

ahh my underrated favourite !! ty for loving N <33


i absolutely adore this game and i actually cried when i got caught up keep up the good work and hopefully chapter 12 releases at the beginning of 2025 though i know it won't :(

keep up the good work

the lack of faith in me haha. beginning of 2025 is the goal :)

lets hope you hit the goal for everyones sake just dont over work yourself


this story haunts my thoughts 24/7. I love all of them, its been a hyperfixation ever since i started reading it (i think a year or two ago not sure). Absoulotly love this story, if i had a chance, i would make a 10h powerpoint presentation on how amazing this is 

aww that's so sweet ty!!


I checked the Tumblr and i saw smth with Rylan and catching us and calling us darling-

Since i don't check the Tumblr a lot I totally don't know what ppl are talking about half of the time XD, But when did that happen? is it just a short story on patreon? Cause I'm a bit dumb and i honestly don't know ToT


From what I remember, Rylan calls MC darling a few times, so there's probably some route Rylan says that


the story is great and I have played it till the 12 chapter, 10/10

(just an idea: I feel like sometimes reads get a bit long in some situations but if you could, maybe bold the important things, that would be great)

can't wait till the update


does anyone know what software this game was made in?


twine, specifically sugarcube


Aaaaa this is sooo good, everything is well-written. This is a masterpiece, can't wait for the update. 

Keep up the good work🤗


tysm!! the next update will definitely be 2025 but i hope to see you still here!




Definitely be there, see ya then. Do take it easy tho, 


I need fan art right now and some fanfics



There are a few extra stories if you look at Evertides profile.

(1 edit) (+3)

And they are awesome!


This is so well made TT so far its one of the best text based games i ever played. 


ahh thank you!

(5 edits) (+3)

I love this so much. The narrative is great, the plot, the characters, real chef's kiss. Feel like I'm the only one who goes for Rylan :P. Never knew how to pronounce her name so I say it like "Dave get the fishing net out, I'm Rylan' in a big one". Also made mc a responsible and diligent worker but caused burnout in chapter 11, which makes it sort of come full circle.

Fellow Rylan lover here- he's amazing except for when he keeps thinking I'm going to arrest him 😭


Honestly pretty funny when MC and Kian gangs up on Rylan :p


Rylan's pretty popular actually! i think all the ros have their stans, but Rylan certainly gets their love on tumblr. thank you for playing hehe <3


I feel like they are not so many N stans ToT

But honestly i love all of the ROs 😅


Is there a guide to help me unlock the phone convo option w/ blane? also i head-canon him with really long white hair. . 


taken from my tumblr: 

the requirements are that you cannot surpass a certain number of “rude points” with them or you had to have taken the knife for them in chapter seven. otherwise, they don’t deem you trustworthy or “close” enough to text you.

i finished this in three hours non stop, so amazing, so loving blane


woahh record time!! tysm for playing <3

loved it!


I love all of the ro's so much. Unfortunately, I only have two hands.. and I choose Arion or Kian every time. I want to just scoop up all the ro's and hug them tight forever and ever. ALSO just saw that on your Tumblr it says K is demisexual?? ACE SPECTRUM BUDDIES LET'S GO!! I am overjoyed, truly.

Anyways, thank you for sharing such wonderful writing with the world. I really hope you continue to do so for a long time <3


ACE BLANE TOO??? I AM WINNING RN oh my goodness. We love ace rep <3


bro, every single game i play u are there lol


we both have great taste

(2 edits) (+2)

ahh this is so sweet i might cry. thank you thank you. and yes, K is demisexual! Blane is also asexual. my two ace-spec babies. both of these conversations will be had in game with time <3


read this 24 hrs without a break... WORTH.IT. EASILY ONE OF MY FAVS NOW FR. IT'S SO GOOD??!?!!?! I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH!!! What do I do with my life now..... ;_; 


My favorite as of now iz Blane, bro's so ethereal and majestic how could I not?! His character development (and future ones) already got me swooning... I managed to get him to 70% and 14 Romance (God works hard but Gomi works harder) I simply adore him, he's amazing.

I'm a bit sad I didn't discover this sooner but at the same time I'm glad cuz I got to binge a lot of chapters lol... now onto the waiting game<3333 I'm so excited aaaaaaaa this is really reaaaally reaaaaaaaaaally GOOD. I CAN'T. I LOVE IT. THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS MASTERPIECE, DEAR AUTHOR. I OWE YOU MY LIFE AND MY FIRST BORN. I LOVE YOU. PLEASE STAY SAFE. 

P.S: Sorry if this is a long message, I just couldn't contain my excitement. I feel so giddy rn, thank you again uwaaaaaaa!!!!


wait how do u see stats 😨 am I slow I never checked that


Dam, 70%?! I barely got it up to 25 at the beginning, that’s god work right there.


drop the tutorial😞

ahh i'm glad you like the story so much! it's always nice to see some Blane lovers. they're slowly becoming my most popular ro and i'm all here for it. thank you so much! i appreciate you regardless of how long you've been here <3




I love this game so much 


Omggg I was just thinking about this story today and I'm so glad it's still being worked on!! 😭 Cant wait to get to know everyone again. 🥹


it is yes! i'm not abandoning it don't worry <3


finally I can hate flirt with Kian again 


Omg yes it's my favorite activity!




Even if you don't have a romantic relationship with everyone,it still feels good to be in a group of friends!I had no friends in my life and this game really healed me.My English is not good. This is written using a translator. Anyway, I want to say thank you to the creator for bringing this game, love you and your game!

(1 edit) (+1)

I finished the game again. I wonder if there will be an end to being friends with everyone all the time ,like Rylan and K. I think I love the team more than the individual, I want to make friends with everyone equally, and at the same time, everyone is also friends with each other. Love you and your game.


hi! thank you so much for this sweet comment. i'm really glad that this game was able to give you some joy. and to answer your question, yes! eventually, everyone will be friends with each other so don't worry <3


Idk if you'll see this but I've thought about doing something like this and do you have any advice, and/or I really just can't figure out what coding language/platform I should try using


hi! choicescript is the most user-friendly, but i believe choice of games owns that platform, so you wouldn't be able to host a full public game with choicescript without submitting it to cog. unfortunately this means they'd take a portion of your earnings, but regardless, i still think this language is great for beginners and messing around. in the long run, however, i wouldn't say this is my recommended language by any means.

personally, i think twine is the best, which is the one i'm using (my ui is coded with html/css). there are links to the "twine grimoire" on my profile which are really helpful for starting out. twine provides a lot more customizability compared to choicescript, especially in terms of design, but it's also a steeper learning curve. if you're interested in this language, there're tons of pre-made templates that wonderful authors have made that you can use. these helped a ton when i was starting out, since you can just copy-paste your text. i also have some linked. 

in general, i'd consider choicescript for something more casual and twine if you're a bit more serious. definitely get a feel of both before you get too complicated though. focus on understanding the coding languages first above all before you think about design.

if you have anymore questions, i'd be happy to answer them over email! (


Finally was able to finish the update, it was wonderful!  I can't wait to see where this goes next!


thank you!! i'm excited to get writing it <3


being able to (finally) bond with blane without them hurling insults is the highlight of my day. my mc is going down the Arion route, but being able to finally get some friendship(?) progress with blane makes me extremely happy😭 KIAN YOU’RE NEXT BABY


hehe they're finally opening up <3


This is my current "book" reading and I completely forgot that it could still be a project in development...
Man, I just ADORE Arion, best bro and the love of my life... I feel fantastic and I think I'm in love

I need more
Where is the next page?
Do you want some money? I'll pay 
It's almost a crime read/play it completely for free

Don't worry, I'll wait 


I still wonder if the Mc is actually a human or if the MC is some kind of supernatural as well (prob no tho)

It would be funny if they would just found out that they aren't human (or are but just like part human)


Akakakaka true
Just like always: a vampire who hunts vampires, a demon who hunts demons...
We know nothing about MC past, so who knows?

Yes!! The only thing we actually know about MC's past is how they got/found out about the place they are working at  (I can't type it- IAOS? Is it like that? Gotta replay the game again)


i have no shame in romancing blane...bro is majestic

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Been following this game for a while and played every update and I'm somehow only just now realizing that at least for the first half of the game Rylan and Kian are extremely unlikable for an mc who likes their job, especially during the Rylan convo on the way to the food where for most of the options you're pseudo berated for not fully agreeing with Rylan. Either way, thats just my opinion, love the new update. Keep up the good work. 

Edit: Man it is rough to wanna like your job when pretty much every character is telling you that you either suck or shouldn't like what you do :((

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i mean, K and Rylan have a point for not liking the hunter's job. chapter eleven explains that pretty well i think. but i can also see your argument. that's just the nature of the game!

(1 edit)

Oh yeah definitely, it was less a they're wrong and a if I was in mc's position I'd probably be a little annoyed by everyone destroying my life's mission. I shall continue being a stalwart bounty hunter 🫡. Keep up the good work! :)


blane... i missed you blane.... you're so wonderful blane.....

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