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Utterly fantastic work. Definitely enjoying it so far. That being said: I'm playing through the client, and whenever I try to save, I get this error. Oddly, autosave seems to work fine, though.

oof unfortunately i have no idea how to fix this. i'm far from a coding master but hopefully autosaves work for you for now! have you tried playing on a browser instead? i find that has way less problems <3


NOOOO NOT THE "just wait" AND THEN THE CLIFFHANGER! Holy shit, this story is FANTASTIC. I'm so so so excited for more chapters. Incredible, genuinely incredible work!!

haha thank you! i thought that cliffhanger was quite fun <3


10/10 a true masterpiece right here! Can't wait for more chapters to come out

thank you so much!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Dude just did a quickreplay for the new years story and i went with kian this time. all i gotta say

Kian and Blane>>>

i'm so glad you enjoyed the shorts <3


did i just play about 4 times to see a bunch of different things? yes I did best play throughs of my life <3


four times, oh my god. what a compliment, thank you so much for playing !! <3


Who needs sleep? Not me! I'm almost lucky that there aren't any more chapters! Absolutely obsessed and cannot wait to read more! 

hahaha thank you so much. chapter nine has no estimated release yet as it is still in the early stages (i took a break in december) but hopefully it'll be worth the wait <3


Im hooked

Deleted 1 year ago

Everytime I save I have to start over which is very annoying even when I log in it, I have to start over but hey it a good book 

(3 edits)

If you are using the itch app to launch the game try to open it through your web browser instead

are you playing on your browser or through the app? i found that playing on my browser works best, especially through google chrome. i'm not much of a code expert however, so i'm not sure how to help if you're playing on the app


how will i choose between the ro's ashdnjck they're all so loveable in their own shitty way. love the dynamics, love the dialogue and i love the multifaceted characters. can't wait to read more <3


blane my beloved. ^_^

was completely sucked into this the minute i started it - what a lovely writing style and concept, so much love to all of the characters, my silly little dysfunctional family indeed... </3

Blane is best 


tysm!! this means so much to me. i love my little found family and i'm so glad many others do too <3


got super sucked into this! very cool story, i can't wait to see where it goes next! i love all the love interests - honestly i super hope that it's possible to be endgame involved with more than one at once. 

ahh tysm! and yes, i am planning on doing two poly routes, one with A and Blane (vee poly) and one with A and Rylan <3


omg i love you work so much...i read the presented eight chapters within two days and as i finish i immediately want more!thank you for creating such a wonderful work and it keeps me warm in the cold winter

two days!! that's insane, thank you so much. i'm so happy my work can be something to keep you warm <3


this is my absolute FAVORITE game on here. The love interests are TOP. TIER. I love our character as well. everything about this game is just stunning.

oh my god thank you so much. this means the world <3


Here I am back again a month later after fighting my inner demons of replaying the game all over again


hahaha what a compliment. thank you for replaying <3


I cannot wait for chapter 9!


Are there ways to have more romantic interactions with Blane in the first chapters or is that by default?


aside from choosing their branches (i.e the training room, the media room, taking them to the club and bringing them to the vip room), no. at the beginning of the game, i was concerned with defining the relationship between Blane and the hunter rather than developing it. as such, more chances will appear the further we get into the book.


I can't wait for chpt 9 I am soo excited to see what happen I never loved a fictional character in my life ps. It Rylan she just ugh 😌😩 you are the best writer out here, I hope you make more book in the future I would be love to read them..


Team Blane here but i completly agree that this developer is a great writer


this made my heart so happy ugh, thank you <3

Omg you respond!! Np


why i can't choose the best friend gender?


you can but at first you have to click that you want to choose their gender manually


Ahhh I need Chapter 9!!!!

This is very good! i am having so much trouble deciding who i want to romance, the characters are all written so well. so far i'm on Kai but... who knows! great job!


i love blane but i ALSO HATE HIM he's so mfing infuriating i wanna CHOKE HIM but like softly and maybe give him a neck massage if its hurts him </3


hahahahhaa i'm glad you love them <3


I don't know how to start, I almost never leave comments/reviews on games I've racked up over 250 hours on, even the games that require payment. And yet here I am Writing a comment on an account I haven't logged into in forever, even changing the name because of how old it was. I am not even sure how to put my opinion of this game into words, it manages to be charming, well written, funny, and creative in ways most modern games can't even compare to. You can choose how you character looks, dresses presents themselves, and loves, you can even go so far as to change the different genders of the romance-able characters to suit your sexuality, which is something I have never seen in a game before, and it works so well. The story somehow manages to balance romance, character dynamics and a compelling storyline that feels like it keeps within its own boundaries, something many novels can't even do. It never feels like you are left out on any important information relating to the stories or characters, and it keeps somethings just vague enough to let you produce your own theories about what is going on. Now i know that my words can only mean so much, so just play it, then come back to this comment, think about everything I have put here, and then check the time, because i have just spent ~5 hours on this game and i would spend 100 more, I have an endless well of respect for the writers who have managed to make this masterpiece, and then putting it out for free on the internet, if i were able to I would happily donate to them.


this is one of the sweetest comments i've ever gotten. i adore you and adore the fact that you took time out of your day to write this. thank you thank you thank you. it's comments like these that make me feel like this is worth writing (especially on days where i feel the opposite)


just as I got overly hooked it ends what a cruel fate 😔


A is perfect in every single way. Now just smooch MC please.

Hi sorry if this has been answered before but how many chapters are planned in total?


about 18 or so, but it really depends on how much i space out the plot. i have it entirely figured out, i just don't know how many events slot into each chapter, if that makes sense

i love this game sm omg!! do you have an estimate of when ch. 9 is coming out? :0


no i don't, sorry! it will definitely be after the new year though. it's in the very early stages still


that's alright! it'll be a late bday present haha :)


Oh damn a cliffhanger again!!! 😭 you cannot do this! But it was awesome, loved all the paths and options & moments with all the ROs 🖤 🌚 

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Sebastian 😭 you're such a sweetheart omg


He is! buuuut I still feel like we cannot trust him 🧐 


If he was the one to capture his bestie, I feel like he would have to have been manipulated and is not the true mastermind 🤨


Possibly, he does show a lot of sadness in this ch8 (I really hope so)! I am really intrigued who it is and if we will find him....alive 😳 


feeling a deep connection with the other ~5 people camping in the comment section really confused about the password situation rn 😭


i'm so sorry! i just woke up, the password should be gone now

ty!!! im excited to play :D

Good morning!!! And THANK YOUUUU! 🖤 

good morning! and thank you so much, so excited to see what the new chapter's got in store for us!! <3


so real honestly, it's quite comforting to know i'm not the only one waiting on here 😭

will you give us the password or are we supposed to find out on our own?

wait nvm i get it now


What did you get? I didn't!

ohh no i meant as in i understood why there was the password thing i still dont know what it is

the password is gone now!

(1 edit)

Oh I thought that I didn't get something and I see 4 more people(that upvoted 😛) thought you got the secret to the password protection 😁 but its up yay!

Shouldn't chapter 8 be out today? Ive been waiting soooo looooong for it 🖤 but it's still password protected


it will be available at 12 pm est, which is not for about 4 more hours

Oh! Got it, Thank you!)


I am holding a wedding between me and N, everybody has invitations <3


W game. Usually I offer constructive criticism, usually about pacing. However there really aren't any issues with the game. None that stand out to me at least.


i loved this!!! your character and world building is so nice!! Also Arion and Blane <3

can’t wait for eight! I played this sooooo many times! I’m enough it,neveeeer endingggg!


This was a fun read! Excited for Chapter 8. :)


super excited to share it with you <3

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