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umm, i dont know if someone already addressed this but you can't save the game on the downloaded version on app? will there be way for you to check if there's a error or if its an error  on my part?

(1 edit) (+2)

you have to toggle a button in settings for it to work :)) sorry this isn't more clear, that's my bad


(1 edit) (+1)

"Sin city is cold and empty" - The Weeknd

in chapter ten my guess is that we will visit Vegas


Hi, just wanted to ask what hunter status mean exactly, is it good if the number goes up? And how is it influenced? Thanks


the higher the number, the more 'influence' your hunter has in the department and the more iaos approves of your methods. it can be boosted by making mostly pragmatic decisions on the job (while bounty hunting, during a briefing, interrogation etc.)


Sin City?


sin city wasn't made for you


This is really good!


hehe thanks !


FILIPINO PRIDE RAAAAAAH, I ❤️  my baby R. I love this game soso much


thank you!! seeing Rylan's filipino ethnicity connect with so many people makes me so happy :))

(1 edit) (+6)

stumbled upon this game when looking for more twine games, and when seeing a chance to romance a warlock and cause some chaos with emotions? very much sold me. I really love the profile and was very obsessed with checking the relationships to see what each fellow thought about me. loved both Kain and Rylan the most outta the bunch. much so that when playing it all over again to try getting Kain to become more open so I torture him so with emotions, I wished could also romance Rylan as well. overall I am extremely hooked and addicted to this game and where things go next.


haha K is definitely emotionally constipated. they won't appreciate it now, but they'll be grateful later that the hunter managed to take down their walls. so excited to show this progression <3

thank you for playing !!


I am only filled with determination to incite chaos upon this poor warlock. no matter what walls they may build I will climb over them. I can't wait to see it! I will romance the hell out of them no matter what.


Ooh this makes me want to do K's route

the allure of making an immortal falling in love is very excellent. I went back for Rylan and Blane mainly because I wished to see the reactions at the club and was not disappointed. K is still at my top, but Blane and Rylan tie next because ooo the glorious angst from Blane followed with chaotic Rylan.


It doesn't hurt that Rylan has my exact type of humour, but don't forget that he also has his angst. Just a matter of getting him to trust us ig


so far so good too the point, I’m  obsessed with this game. But this is just a curiosity, if the player isn’t human as well, but is keeping it a secret that they are a dark fae. Just a suggestion. Good work so far. 


thank you!! i'm glad you're enjoying it. i just want to clarify that the mc is human; no secrets hidden there :))


loved this game sfgjksfg

eeeek thank you!!


Hey I just wanted to say I really liked this game, found it mid July. The writing is super great, and I love the characters. Arion/Arden/Adair's physical description (At least the male version of A) reminds me of my coworker I was friends with when I used to work in a mechanics shop, the illustration is so similar, I really miss that guy. Can I ask how the progress is going on the next chapter? I can't wait to see more. 


ah thanks ! it's soo cool that A reminded you of someone you knew in real life—i know i'd love to meet a irl A. 

as for progress, chapter ten will be out very very soon :)


is there a walkthrough?, found the game a few days ago, so far im loving it


there's not, no. but there really isn't much you can get "wrong" in this game for there to be one


thank you!, i always ask this in case there's some decisive choices that drastically change the story


hi i just learned abt the fact there are gonna be poly routes, and i want to ask can we know when the poly routes will kick in or are we able to already start them? Asking out of cuorisity 


they'll kick in during book two, one is a vee (A and Blane) and one is a triad (A and Rylan) !


I love this game so much! I’ve read through at least dozens of times by now, and fell in love with the cast each time - I don’t think I can pick any favourites, so it’s making it hard to choose who I want higher likability and romance points with sjdgeskdfhf my brain melts down each time. 

I will ensure that Rylan has special window privileges to my apartment, without a doubt, he always manages to crack me up. And I will hope to exchange favours to see Kian, haha. Blane Rekner is another story… I’m trying so hard, and I won’t stop, haha. Nikolas and Arion are both so sweet, too. 

Keep up the amazing work, and do take care of yourself!!!


aw thank you so much! i'm glad that you love so many of the characters; it's always such a huge compliment for me that people have trouble choosing who to romance haha. Rylan is such a fun character to write and i can't wait to give you more of them <33

I really enjoyed this game i played through it in the span of like three days and was surprised when i had hit chapter ten already felt like it went by fast and im looking forward to when chapter 10 comes out will definitely be adding this one to my ever growing list of really great interactive fictions normally how i do these reviews is i put my general reaction to the game before i start talking about individual characters so her is were ill put my


i Really like the partner dynamic im really a sucker for those kinds of things and this game does it well my love interest was Arden and i just absolutely adore everything about her character what im looking forward when it comes to her character in particular maybe clearing up her backstory because its imply-ed she has told us but you really don't get much at all its kinda like yea i told her everything and she told me everything other than that there's soo many places the writer could go and im sooo excited to see what happens.

for the next character 

Blane is a super interesting character and i almost wanna go back and choose her as LI just to see if you get anything about her backstory that you wouldn't just get in a normal play-through and see how everything changes her dynamic with her partner is also interesting were theres like they care for each other but its hard to tell how close the two of them actually are. 

Kaia is extremely difficult for me to comment on as i didn't spend much time with her at all so i think ill just keep this brief and say theirs definitely something going on with there character tho mostly for me they felt like the groups dad in a way and kept everyone in line XD

I love Rylan soooo much holy her character is so amazing Like the restaurant part were you two go to get food i went in there like man i dunno if i wanna even go with you to a restaurant but i mean fuck it to holy i love you so much like that crack in her character is fucking brilliant like i can not praise writers enough for making there characters multi-layered like up into this entire point im like this character is kinda selfish i dunno if i really like them there alright pretty charismatic flirty type and then there's a crack in the mask and i feel like i actually got punched in the gut and had to reassess everything i thought i knew about this character like my favorite character to date hands down we will see what happens on replays if i do any but right now top of the list and didn't even pick her as my RI Lmaoo

Last but no least is N

Yea im not really sure what to say here shes the glue that's holding this group together the peacekeeper i like her dynamic with her partner and with holding the group together pretty much the mom of the group.

The only problem i really had with the game is were i picked strategy as my main way of fighting and i feel like i maybe actually used it once kinda felt like i would have been better off picking anything else lmao especially weaponry however this could just be me picking the wrong options as well lmao Also a nitpick but i could also maybe go with some more boyish clothing options i saw like one during the nightclub clothing options XD

As far as the main story line i have soooo many theory's of whats going on and im super excited to see were the writer goes with it

Overall i loved the game its amazing super hard to find good interactive fictions and i can without a doubt say this is one of them much love to the writer

(2 edits) (+3)

AHH i screamed out loud when i saw i already finished chapter nine, i literally binge read this and completed it in one day, the story is just so damn good!! i love blane a lot, i have soft spots for these kinds of characters for some reason. keep up the good work!!


eeeeeeek thank you!! i have such a soft spot for Blane haha. i'm happy to see people like them <3


Hello. Love the story already. How many characters can I romance at once? For now 👀. Will this be available to download later in the future?


for now, all romances are solo. there will be two poly routes (one vee and one triad) in the future with A/Blane and A/Rylan respectively, but those haven't kicked in yet. and yes, you should be able to download it from itch right now actually !



CRAZY good game. I would go as far to say the best interactive story game on itch I've ever played. The cast, the story, setting, writing, everything is on point. As I type this, I am currently trying to fight off sleep for binging this game all night. I encourage you to play this when you don't have work cause you will also pull an all nighter. Friendly warning

I just noticed a mistake when plying Blanes route when your at the bar. It after you choose the Sugar mommy option when talking to Shay. It says "Ryan laughs" instead of Blane


Also quick question. How important is it for me to have high likability with my target. Cause I had like 11 Romance points with Kian but only had like 30% likability. Does he not love me back??  **Crying and in tears**


eeeek thank you!! please get your rest haha, i promise this game will still be waiting for you when you wake up <3 also thank you for the bug catch !

as for your question, for ros like K and Rylan, having points should be enough. the importance of likability will kick in later.  Blane also fits in this category, but they're an even more complicated case that relies on your approach to them

Hey I really enjoy the game, but for some reason whenever I save it saids "An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly". And it never saves. I've tried reinstalls and that doesn't work. And I can save in other twine interactive games. Some help would be great!

hi! i think you may need to wipe the files from the source and then reinstall. if i recall, itch keeps some of your data even after you delete a game. on this page, you should be able to click the cog button beside 'launch' > manage > open in folder to find the file's location. if this doesn't work let me know, but unfortunately, i don't have a solution otherwise :/


I swear. I am in LOVE with this series. With it's detailed descriptions, amazing characters, and just plot overall, I don't see why you don't turn this into an actual book. All that aside, Rylan is 100% my favorite, and I just think that this series is absolutely amazing! Please, keep up the good work!! I'm so hyped for chapter 10!! <3


haha i came up with this concept knowing it would be an if, so i'm not sure it would work well as a book. that you think i could be an author with a published book is so so flattering though. muah, thank you <3

has the story reached the climax yet?

cus I wanted to put it into a story chart thingy

Btw I will not be reading it in a while cus I want to finish the whole story in one go


i would say we're approaching it. not quite there


i am absolutely RABID about this game, i love the descriptions and all the choices. i have genuinely taken close to 7 hours because i had to read everything over and over because it was so beautiful. anyways nearly fainted when Kai wore a skirt, that's the most normal feeling i have had all day.


i've spent countless hours writing this so to see someone take so much care to go through so much of the game is truly heartwarming. seven hours is crazyyy. thank you thank you <3


genuinely the best game ive played on itch. i cannot recommend it enough. im in love with arion and cannot wait for chapter 10. you are the love of my life for making this amazing game and i am on my knees proposing. thank you have a good day.

sobbing thank you so much. this is such a big compliment that i don't know what to say other than i'm yelling and screaming and eternally grateful for you <3



hahahaha i feel like i've become notorious for leaving cliffhangers on every chapter. can't make any promises about the next chapter but hey, trade answers for more questions :))


i loveeeeeeee this alottt im srsly playing and replaying just so i could romance everyone aaaaaaaaa theyre all so fricking adorable i love all their routes, tysm author pls take care of yourself<3


gahhh thank youuu <33333


Rylan is so much my type I find it hard to romance anyone else ^^; (even though I'm kinda interested in Blane's whole deal.) I just need protecc the poor, definitely probably homeless vampire. I have daydreams about buying food and leaving it out on my counter for Rylan to steal O.O

'definitely probably homeless vampire' lmaoooooo. cracking me up


what is with me and crushing on people who don't like me??

anyway, this was very entertaining. I'm doing Blane's route and I especially like how you captured their unease.

very well written. the tone of everything is very clear and when it isn't you add a tone indicator. I wasn't bored once, and that's a feat in itself

excited for more <3

thank you thank you!! entertaining people for nine chapters straight is no easy task so i always doubt myself when there are 'slower' chapters. makes me so happy that people enjoy it all regardless <333

(1 edit) (+5)

Amazing love it amazing 


When do I get to kiss the half-vampire...?


mayhaps within the next couple of chapters... ?




Undoubtedly one of the best IFs ever to have existed ❣️🫡

It actually ranks among the top three IFs on my list.

You ought to receive my gratitude for creating this magnificent work of art!!


and you deserve my gratitude for simply being here and supporting. thank you thank you <33

Happy to be here!! ✨

(1 edit) (+4)

i've only just gotten into ifs (ive played infamous, wayhaven, & fallen hero) but this is without a doubt my absolute favorite. i especially love that you make the tone of some dialogue options clear!!

thank you so much ! i'm a big fan of some of those myself so it's truly an honour <3


Cool story ! Added to following and wait for  the continuation ;)

eek thank you! i hope it continues to live up to your expectations <3




Every chapter you release is amazing, I can't put into words how I excited I am for the next release. I hope you stay safe out there and stay healthy, you write gold. 

ahh tysm !! this means so much <33


This Is by far the best interactive novel i have read on itch. Cant Wait for more!!!


ahh thank you so much!!


This just keeps getting better and better. I’m on the edge of my seat, can’t wait for more! <3

eeek thank you!! excited to deliver the rest to you <3


"[ Note: you can wear whatever you want, regardless of gender. ]" is the most encouraging thing i've heard in a week




Awesome experience. Blane jealous of Arden or something?

Deleted 1 year ago

They're definitely jealous of their ranking. Can't tell if it's anything more than that.


For some reason I can no longer scroll down to see the whole text page. :( I can scroll in the text box but the text box itself isn't showing completely. I used to be able to click on the side and scroll down to see the whole text box, but now I can't. 


i'm assuming this is on mobile? if so, you should be able to scroll from any part of the screen. i used to have two scrollbars (which i think is what you're referring to) but i got rid of one because, well. it was excessive. if you want to shoot me an email ( i can also have a look for you!

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